The Forever Wild Rhino Protection Initiative
Part of dealing with the poaching crisis involves reducing demand for rhino horn in consumer countries. The “Vietnam, be my Hero Demand Reduction campaign” calls on young Vietnamese to be superheroes and speak out against the use of rhino horn. The campaign has been partnering with different international schools, universities, business chambers to help raise awareness of the issue in Vietnam and SMPAA pleased to involve in this effort.
SMPAA dance groups - LYRICÍST, Young LYRICÍST and Little LYRICÍST, performed at the BBGV-BUV CHARITY FUN RUN.
In 2019 Wild Rhino competition winners, comprising 14 Vietnamese students have arrived in South Africa for a 5 day wilderness trail in the iMfolozi Game Reserve, KwaZulu Natal, followed by a workshop with conservation and rhino experts and SMPAA alumna - Liễu Ngọc Bảo Thanh was one of the winners of this competition.