With the goal of creating the highest quality online learning experience, SMPAA is pleased to provide the following information about the equipment that will make for an optimal online learning environment for any student. Careful research and testing at SMPAA has led us to choose the following pieces of equipment because we believe they will offer the best quality communication between teacher and student. While none of this equipment is required in order to enroll in an online course, SMPAA wanted to assist all potential students to enhance their online experience.
The packages listed below are suggestions, and the prices reflect those found at the time our specialists did their research and testing. You are welcome to investigate further on your own and purchase what works best for you. If you would like to purchase any of the equipment or the combination packages listed below, SMPAA will make all those arrangements for you and have the equipment delivered directly to your home.
SMPAA wants you and your children to have the best online learning experience possible, from anywhere in Vietnam.
Thank you for believing in SMPAA as we can continue in this new decade, to lead you in the arts.