Young Lyricist Audition 2019
Young LYRICÍST is a special dance group consisting of talented dancers, who are professionally trained with ISTD (Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing) and NATD (National Association of Teachers of Dancing) standards. Young LYRICÍST is also a part of the SMPAA Ambassadorship Program, aiming to bring Vietnamese traditional culture and beauty in the form of dance to the world. For aspiring dancers who wish to elevate their passion in the art of performance, Young LYRICÍST* Auditions are for you!
Sign up now for a chance to learn from our dance experts and study internationally-recognized curricula.
Why wait? Register now to book your slot for the Young LYRICÍST Auditions:
– Date: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm, Saturday, 23 March 2018
– Venue: Studio A & N, Inspire Building, Soul Music & Performing Arts Academy – SMPAA (214 Pasteur, D.3, HCMC)
– Register at: bit.ly/YLAuditions2019
#SMPAA #YoungLYRICÍST #Dance #SoulAmbassador
214 Pasteur, D.3, HCMC
Organized by: Soul Music & Performing Arts Academy (SMPAA)
Venue: SMPAA